scanning,Focus on
Latech Precision Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Do the parts on the laser cutting machine need to be replaced? When many friends use this kind of equipment, there are some parts on it which are easy to wear out. After using it for a period of time, they need to check whether these parts work well. If they are found to be out of order, they need to be replaced in time. Please note that when replacing these parts, they must be matched by the original factory, so that they can work perfectly with each other. As a result, if we do not use the parts matched by the original factory, it may affect the quality and efficiency of production, or even cause some safety accidents because the replaced parts are not matched by the original factory. Now let's see which parts of this machine may need to be replaced.
The first part of the laser cutting machine that may be replaced is the mirror, which plays a very large role in the mechanical equipment. Reflecting and focusing through the mirror, so that the laser energy can be concentrated in a range for cutting. After using for a long time, it may lead to the loss of the mirror, so it must be carried out. Replacement. The second part that needs to be replaced is the protective lens. In the process of using the lens, the protective lens may be damaged because of some debris impact, so this part also needs to be replaced. In theory, this part needs to be replaced after three months of continuous use. The third part that may need to be replaced is the diffusion lens, which exists mainly to change the diameter of the laser beam and the divergence angle of the laser beam in the course of operation. After a long time of use, this part may have some losses, so it needs to be maintained or replaced regularly. The fourth part that may need to be replaced is the copper nozzle, which usually needs to be replaced for about two months. If it is not replaced, the cutting accuracy may be affected.
Laser cutting machine parts that may need to be replaced, this is a brief introduction. There will be some methods and matters needing attention about replacement of parts in the manual for the use of this kind of machine and equipment. So before replacement, we should read the manual carefully, replace or maintain the parts according to the instructions on the manual, and select the original parts when replacing.